HeadBlade head slick shave cream

HeadBlade HeadSlick Shave Cream (Mentholated)

Gents Supply Co
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Mentholated HeadBlade HeadSlick Shave Cream

You may be asking yourself why HeadBlade didn't come out with this mentholated HealdBlade Head Slick Shave Cream sooner. They didn't want to come out with a product until they knew they had the best stuff out there.

HeadSlick is formulated to give the smoothest shave possible. Special lubricants allow razor blades to glide effortlessly along the skin. HeadSlick is water soluble, so blades rinse easily. And because HeadSlick is mentholated your skin will feel cool and refreshed after shaving.

HeadBlade know that shaving the face and head uses twice as much cream. That's why they're offering HeadSlick in an 8oz bottle.